What is Polydactyl?

A polydactyl Maine Coon is born naturally with extra toes.  Often, they will have extra toes on the front paws giving a "mitten" look to the paw.  Many of the kittens from Crescent Moon Maine Coons that are polydactyl are preaxial.  Preaxial means a cat's extra toes are on the inside of their paws and look like thumbs.  The paw is also wider as a result of the extra toes.  Sometimes, the back paws can have additional toes as well. 

There are no health issues associated with polydactyl paws.  The only concern would be to clip the extra toe/s located in the claw while the claws are being trimmed.  Polydactyl Maine Coons are sometimes referred to as "Hemingway Cats" since Ernest Hemingway adored polydactyl cats.  Further, only one parent is polydactyl in breeding for polydactyl kittens.  Therefore, the offspring may or may not be polydactyl. 

To add, scientific studies have been conducted on Maine Coon polydactyly (and feline polydactyly) with no negative associations discovered.  As a matter of fact, there are benefits to the extra toes.  Balance is greater, it is easier to walk on snow, easier to hunt and polydactyl Maine Coons are generally confident and healthy felines.

The Maine Coon breed is known to have polydactyly in the early genetic lines and the polydactyly was almost bred out later on by breeders in the past.  Interestingly, many non-poly Maine Coons will have a polydactyl Maine Coon in their previous genetic lines, identified by a P somewhere in the pedigree.  As a Maine Coon breeder, I personally have fallen in love with polydactyl Maine Coons and have a goal in preserving polydactyl lines within my cattery.  ***It is important to note that also allowing polydactyl lines into my cattery is a way for me to broaden my genetic diversity within Maine Coons.

Crescent Moon Maine Coon's own Symphony as a kitten with her "thumbs".

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